40 Watt Audio Amplifier Circuit



In our different tutorials, we, again and again, try to create different kinds of amplifier circuits so that you may get their proper understanding. As you already know that amplifiers are used to boost up the input voltage or power. In voltage amplifiers, only input voltage gets transformed and amplified, while in power amplifiers the whole power including voltage and current gets amplified. Power amplifiers are divided into further types and classes. Thus in this article, we’ll discuss one of the types and not go deep into classes. Generally, there are three types which are audio power amplifiers, Radiofrequency power amplifiers, and Dc power amplifiers. So, In this tutorial, we are going to the “40 Watt Audio Amplifier Circuit”

Hardware Required

3.Electrolytic Capacitor1µF, 220µF, 2200µF, 22µF1, 1, 1, 2
4.Ceramic Capacitor100nF2
5.Resistor22KΩ, 20KΩ, 530Ω, 4.7Ω3, 1, 1, 1
6.2 Pin Connector2

Circuit Diagram

40-Watt-Audio-Amplifier-circuit-using-TDA2040 -diagram-schematic

Working Explanation

The circuit 40 Watt Audio Amplifier Circuit using the TDA 2040 IC. The power supply is applied at pin 5 and pin 3 is used for the ground. Inverting audio input is applied at pin 1 and pin 2 is for the non-inverting audio input. Hence, an amplified output is coming from pin 4. The output capacitor at pin 4 drives the output speaker. Consequently, people hear the amplified audio of 40 watts.

Application and Uses

  • Radio wave transmitters can also adopt the circuit for their use.
  • Also, it can be utilized in hi-fi electronic gadgets and devices.
  • Moreover, military applications like acoustic weapons can utilize this.
  • In this new technology era, robotics applications can also use this circuit.
  • Further, home audio systems can use this circuit.
  • It can be used in electronic instruments like electronic keyboards and guitars.
  • It can also be utilized in sound systems for various events.
  • The circuit can be adopted in children’s gadgets and toys, etc.