The Arduino uses the ATMega328p chip. We can get that in an SMD format (ATMega328p-AU) or the DIP format for trough hole soldering (ATMega328p-PU). But, the chip by itself can’t work. It needs a few … Read more
Introduction Pulse sensors are used in several projects for athletes, gaming, home appliances, and mobile phone developers where there is a need for reading heart rate data. In this tutorial, I’ll focus on one of … Read more
Heart Rate Pulse Sensor – BPM Meter using OLED & ESP32
Introduction Have you ever learned about breathalyzer devices? They are the devices that estimate the alcohol taken by a person. Mainly, helps to warn drunk drivers to avoid accidents. Thus, these breathalyzer devices use an … Read more
Arduino Alcohol Detector using MQ3
Introduction The Arduino Calculator program is a simple and effective way to use an Arduino microcontroller for performing basic arithmetic operations. This program allows users to input numerical values and arithmetic operations through a keypad … Read more
Arduino Calculator Circuit
Introduction Remote Control Automation Using TSOP 1738 Sensor And Arduino UNO microcontroller is an innovative project that brings automation and remote control capabilities to electrical appliances. This project utilizes the power of IR technology and … Read more
Automation using TSOP 1738 And Arduino
Introduction As simple electrical switches with many applications, relays are not often associated with “fun.” But still, relays can be utilized in inventive ways, such in do-it-yourself electronics projects, where we can use them to control … Read more
5V Dual Channel Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino
Introduction This tutorial will teach you how to use the HX711 to connect a load cell to an Arduino. Since fewer parts are in the circuit, it’s simpler to assemble. The circuit’s code is also … Read more
Interfacing Load Cell with Arduino using HX711
Introduction An edge detection robot is a fascinating and practical application of robotics that uses infrared (IR) sensor modules to navigate along an edge or line. Using an Arduino UNO microcontroller board and DC motors, … Read more
Smart Edge Detection Robot using Arduino
Introduction Rapid climate shifts are a reality of our times. As a result, we can only adequately plan for an event or organize one after first checking the forecast. Thankfully, we no longer have to … Read more
DHT22 Sensor Interfacing with Arduino
Introduction Dot matrix displays—have you ever utilized them in your Arduino projects? All Arduino fans will eventually have to deal with dot matrix displays. These displays are so prevalent in today’s outdoor LED displays that … Read more
Interfacing MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix Display with Arduino UNO
Introduction Interestingly, microcontrollers like Arduino can be used for more than just electronic devices or technology. They can also be used for fun projects by beginners and experts alike. The LED pattern circuit is used … Read more
WS2812B Addressable RGB LED Interfacing with Arduino
Introduction Who doesn’t love Mario game? We all played it in our childhood. The Mario games are popular among players of all ages and have been popular in the video game industry for decades. Mario’s … Read more
Arduino Mario Melody Tune
A rotary encoder is also called a shaft encoder. It is an electro-mechanical device, that converts the angular position or motion of a shaft or axle to an analog or digital output signal. There are two main types of rotary encoders: absolute … Read more
Interfacing Rotary Encoder with Arduino
We live in a World of virtual assistants with voice interactions, this makes our various tasks much easier. For this purpose different sound sensors are used, which are sensitive to sounds like loud voices, claps, … Read more
Sound Detector Arduino
Touch-sensing technology is becoming more popular day by day. You might interact with it every day and every hour. Every mobile phone has a touch screen or sensor, and there are many touch-sensing protocols/technologies. As we … Read more
Digital Capacitive Touch Sensor Arduino Interface
A Capacitor is an electrical device that stores electric charge and the ability of the capacitor to store the electric charge is known as its Capacitance. Figuring out the values of different capacitors in the circuits can be … Read more