555 Timer IC Pinout


The 555 Timer IC, often hailed as the “workhorse” of the electronics world, is a versatile integrated circuit that has found its way into countless electronic projects. Understanding its pinout is essential for harnessing its capabilities


Pin Configuration

Pin NoPin NameDescription
1GroundGround Reference Voltage 0V
2TriggerThis pin is normally connected to the load as it is the only pin with output driven waveform
3OutputA negative pulse applied to this pin to disable or reset the timer. When not used for reset 4 I purposes, it should be connected to VCC to avoid false triggering
4ResetCompares the voltage applied to the terminal with a reference voltage of 2/3 Vcc. The 6 I amplitude of the voltage applied to this terminal is responsible for the set state of the flip-flop
5ControlControls the threshold and trigger levels. It determines the pulse width of the output 5 Voltage I waveform. An external voltage applied to this pin can also be used to modulate the output waveform
6ThresholdOpen collector output which discharges a capacitor between intervals (in phase with output). 7 I It toggles the output from high to low when the voltage reaches 2/3 of the supply voltage
7DischargeOpen collector output which discharges a capacitor between intervals (in phase with output). 7 I It toggles the output from high to low when the voltage reaches 2/3 of the supply voltage
8VCCSupply Voltage (Typical = 5V, Maximum = 18V)