10 Volt Power Supply Using LM7810 IC


Power supplies are used to convert AC into DC and provide electric current to the electric load. In this project, we are going to make a 10V power supply using LM7810IC. LM78xx is a voltage regulator series where xx is the output voltage of the particular IC. For this project, we needed 10 volts output therefore we used LM7810 IC. This IC comes with a TO220 transistor package and it’s packed with many built-in features like safe area protection, short circuit protection, thermal shutdown, etc.

This circuit is simple, easy to understand for beginners, and uses only a few components, it’s a great project for them to start with.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make 10V Power Supply Circuit

1.Step-down Transformer 230V/12V 2A1
2.Voltage regulator ICLM78101
5.Electrolytic Capacitors 2200µF/50V, 100nF1,1
6.Ceramic Capacitors 330nF1

LM7810 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of LM7810

10V Power Supply Circuit


Working Explanation

This IC has all the important circuitry built inside it therefore we don’t need a lot of external components. The transformer receives an input of 230V AC at its primary which is then stepped down to 10V through mutual induction of primary and secondary windings. This signal goes to the 2A bridge rectifier which converts the AC signal into DC rippling. Before passing to the voltage regulator IC this signal is first passed through two capacitors C1 & C2 for noise suppression. Now the IC receives a 12V DC signal. LM7810 is a voltage regulator IC which restricts the voltage to 10 Volts therefore it produces 10V DC output. To remove any remaining noise from the output we have used another capacitor.

Applications and Uses

  • Charging batteries
  • Operational Amplifiers
  • Electronic circuits and devices
  • Low voltage, low current applications