35 Volt Dual Power Supply



In many of our articles, we have discussed the power supply and we have also made many kinds of power supplies. And, as you know, A power supply is an electronic circuit that provides varied AC and DC voltages to enable devices to operate. However, the power supply can be single or dual. The difference is that a single supply produces a single voltage, but a dual supply generates two volts, one positive and one negative. This tutorial is, particularly about the dual power supply. Because, in this tutorial, we are going to make a “35-volt Dual power supply”.

A regular direct current power supply is a dual power supply. It may deliver both positive and negative voltage. It provides a consistent power supply to the device and aids in the prevention of system damage.

Hardware Components

The following components are required to make a Dual Power Supply Circuit

1.Transformer 30-0-30V1
4.Fuse 6A2
5.Battery 12v1
6.Electrolyte Capacitor4700uF2
7.Ceramic Capacitor 100nF2

Dual Power Supply Circuit


Working Explanation

In this 35-volt Dual power supply, we first need to convert the higher AC voltages. So, when we press the switch wired in the circuit the transformer steps down the AC voltage. Then that stepped-down voltage passed through the rectifier circuit, which we have made with the help of diodes. This rectifier provides a positive and negative supply; while 0 or GND is coming from the middle terminal of a center-tapped transformer, rectified DC is filtered by capacitors, and two 6Amp fuses are there too, handling the positive and negative dual supply.

Application and Uses

  • Charging circuits.
  • Power banks.
  • Different electronic devices and circuits