L298N Motor Driver Module



The motor driver modules are devices that are used in autonomous robotics and embedded circuits to operate motors A motor driver is unquestionably something that causes the motor to move in accordance with the given commands or inputs; high and low. It takes the low voltage from the controller/processor and uses it to operate a real motor that requires a high input voltage. A motor driver, in basic terms, regulates the direction of the motor in response to orders or instructions received from the controller. The motor driver takes signals from the microprocessor and converts them before sending them to the motors.

Overview of L298N Motor Driver Module

The L298N is a dual H-Bridge motor driver that allows for simultaneous speed and direction control of two DC motors. The module can power DC motors with voltages ranging from 5 to 35V and peak currents of up to 2A. The L298N Motor Driver module contains an L298 Motor Driver IC, a 78M05 Voltage Regulator, resistors, capacitors, a Power LED, and a 5V jumper.

Features and Specifications of L298N Motor Driver Module


  • Driver Chip: Double H Bridge L298N
  • Operating supply voltage up to 46 V
  • Total DC current up to 4 A. 2A per channel
  • Low saturation voltage
  • Over-temperature protection
  • High noise immunity
  • Current Sense for each motor
  • Heatsink for better performance
  • Power-On LED indicator


  • Total DC current up to 4 A. 2A per channel
  • Logical input voltage up to 1.5 V
  • Motor Supply Voltage (Maximum): 46V
  • Motor Supply Current (Maximum): 2A
  • Logic Voltage: 5V
  • Driver Voltage: 5-35V
  • Driver Current:2A
  • Logical Current:0-36mA
  • Maximum Power (W): 25W

Pinout of L298N Motor Driver

Pin NameDescription
IN1 Motor A input pin. To control the spinning direction of Motor A.
IN2Motor A input pin. To control the spinning direction of Motor A.
IN3Motor B input pin. To control the spinning direction of Motor B.
IN4Motor B input pin. To control the spinning direction of Motor B.
ENAEnables PWM signal for Motor A
ENBEnables PWM signal for Motor B
OUT1 Output pin 1 of Motor A
OUT2Output pin 2 of motor A
OUT3The output pin of Motor B
OUT4Output pin 2 of motor B
12V12V input from a DC power source
5VSupplies power for the switching logic circuitry inside L298N
GNDGround pin

Applications of Motor Driver Module


The L298N motor driver is an H-Bridge circuit that can control DC motors using Microcontroller. You can drive a DC motor forward or backward using H-bridge integrated circuits (ICs). This is especially useful when you are working on robots like robotic cars, etc.

Stepper and DC Motors

The L293D Motor Driver Module is a medium-power motor driver that works well with DC and stepper motors. It makes use of the well-known L293 motor driver IC. It can turn on and off four DC motors or regulate the speed and direction of two DC motors.