Solar Power Mobile Charger Circuit



In this tutorial, we are going to “Solar power mobile charger circuit”

In today’s world, we have become increasingly dependent on mobile phones. And, we can say that we just cannot function without them, These mobile phones, on the other hand, cannot function without their batteries. Chargers are required for batteries, and there are several sorts of chargers. But, imagine that you are traveling and there’s no socket to charge your mobile battery. In that, case there should be an alternative option. And, for this reason, we have decided that, in this tutorial, we are going to “Solar power mobile charger circuit “.

A solar charger circuit is a device that generates power from sunlight. Cell phones, computers, automobile batteries, reading lamps, and personal fans all can use this power to charge their equipment. Because these chargers can’t directly discharge power into the devices, they come with a long-lasting battery pack. This stores the power generated by the solar cells in the battery, making it ready for use later through a charging capacitor.

Hardware Required

1.Solar panel6v/5000mW1
3.Zener Diode4.7V/400mW1
7.Resistor1KΩ, 560Ω1, 1

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

The Solar power mobile charger circuit uses a solar panel with a single PN junction diode 1N4007 connected to the solar panel’s positive line to prevent reverse polarity. After the capacitor C1, a green LED is connected across the solar panel supply line to show the condition of the solar panel’s supply output. If you don’t require the light indication, you may not use resistor R2 and LED. An SL100 transistor with a Zener diode provides a controlled supply of solar voltage. Select the Zener diode specifications that best suit your needs. The Zener diode is reverse biassed and linked at the base of the SL100 transistor.

When the sunlight strikes the solar panel, the photovoltaic device which is a  solar panel cell converts the solar energy into voltage, and the green LED shines. The intensity of the LED fluctuates depending on the voltage generated by the solar panel. The Zener diode lowers and regulates the voltage, while the SL100 transistor controls the output voltage.

Application and Uses

  • The circuit can be used to charge your mobile phones while traveling.