How to make Electronic Digital Clock using AT89C2051 – DIY Project


An Electronic digital clock is generally a timepiece that represents time digitally, as opposed to an analog clock that comes with a mechanical fitting to represent time instances. Digital clocks have found their uses in almost every walk of our lives & are seen in a great number of places such as homes, hospitals, schools & offices, etc. So, in this article, we will design a 4-bit Electronic Digital Clock using the Atmel AT89C2051 controller.

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Hardware Components

Following are the necessary components required for making this DIT Electronic Digital Clock

1.PCB Electronic Digital Clock1
2.Resistor10k 2x2
3.Ceramic Capacitor30pf,100nf2,1
4.Electrolytic Capacitor 10uf1
5.Resistor Pack 1k1
6.Crystal Oscillator12Mhz1
8.Tactile Switch 2x2
9.IC Socket 20 Pin1
10.Microcontroller W79E20511
12.7 Segment Digital Display1
13.DC Connector1
14.Power Supply5v1

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

The working of this circuit is as follows, On powering the circuit through a 5V DC supply, the collector output through a PNP transistors goes to the bi-directional I/O pin P3.3. This also sets the clock to 12:59 at the start of each instance. Bi-directional pin P1.0 to P1.7 serves as the input to the 7 – segment display connected in series to the 1K pull up resistor pack.

The switches S1 & S2 can be used to set the time & alarm of the digital clock. the circuit requires a continuous CLK input of 1Hz to run the 8051 IC properly, which is provided using a crystal oscillator connected between the X! & X2 pin along with 30pF capacitors.


  • They work as important timepieces in places such as schools, libraries, offices, homes & health care facilities, etc.
  • It is also used to set timers & alarms for important events.

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