Negative Voltage Generator Circuit



The negative voltage is often required in electronics applications when it comes to low current applications. However, obtaining a negative supply source is not a feasible choice. We can’t use a negative voltage power supply for many electronic circuits that demand minimal power. Circuits that can generate a negative voltage from a positive voltage supply can be used for reference or low-power applications. Thus, we discuss the circuit that produces negative voltage. In short, in this tutorial, we are going to make a “Negative Voltage Generator Circuit”.

The circuit uses 555 timer IC and diodes as its major components. Before diving into the making of a negative voltage generator circuit, it’s important to understand negative voltage and the difference between a sin wave and a negative voltage cycle. When the sin function moves with respect to time, it has both positive and negative cycles. We might acquire either negative or only positive cycles when we utilize diode clippers.

Hardware Required

1.ICNE555 Timer1
2.Fast Switching Diode1N9142
3.Electrolysis Capacitor10uf / 25v3
4.Ceramic Capacitor0.01uf2
5.Resistor1KΩ, 10KΩ1, 1
7.2-Pin Connector1

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

This is the basic Negative Voltage Generator Circuit and can work with input voltages ranging from 9 volts. The 555 timer IC is used to generate negative voltage. The IC will create a square wave from its output pin 3 after getting power. The square wave will generate both positive and negative voltage throughout this cycle. When a positive voltage is applied to the output pin of the IC, the 10uF capacitor (C4) attached to it is charged through 1N4002 Diode D1, and no positive voltage is supplied to the output. When a negative voltage is present, this capacitor discharges through the other diode D2, and the 3 C5 capacitor charges, resulting in a negative voltage.

Application and Uses

  • The circuit is utilized in various electronic projects where only a positive supply is available.