Darkness Detector Circuit Using LDR


A darkness detector is a circuit that detects darkness using light-dependent resistors, it’s used to automatically turn on the lights when it becomes dark.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Darkness Detector Circuit

S. NOComponentValueQty
3.Connecting Wires1
4.ICNE555 Timer1
6.Piezo Buzzer1
7.Resistors10k, 2.2k, 1M1, 1, 1
8.Electrolytic Capacitor1uF/50V1
9.Ceramic Capacitor0.1nF1

555 IC Pinout

555 timer ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 555 Timer

Circuit Diagram

Darkness Detector Circuit Using LDR_Diagram-Schematic

Useful steps

  • The circuit uses LDR and 555 Timer IC. timer 555 IC has 8 pins.
  • Connect pin 8 to 9 V power supply.
  • Connect pin 1 to GND.
  • Place a 2.2 KΩ resistor in between the 9V battery and pin 7 of the timer IC.
  • Connect a 10 KΩ resistor between pins 6 and 7.
  • Short the pins 2 and 6.
  • Place a capacitor of capacitance 1 µF in between pins 2 and GND.
  • Connect the positive leg of the capacitor to pin 2 of the timer IC & negative to GND.
  • Place a bypass capacitor of 100pF in between GND and pin 5
  • Connect a piezo buzzer in between the GND and pin 3.

Working Explanation

  • Timer IC is configured in Astable mode. LDR controls the reset pin.
  • When LDR detects enough light, its resistance becomes low.
  • In this experiment, the resistance drops to 2K. In this case, there will be 0 voltage at the output generated by the 1M ohm resistor and LDR.
  • This voltage is fed to the reset pin and it triggers the reset of timer IC 555. Thus, there won’t be any output at the output pin.
  • If there is an obstacle in the path of LDR, light falling on LDR will decrease and thus, resistance will increase.
  • In this experiment, resistance increases to 120k ohm. As a result, the voltage difference will be generated which will be fed to the reset pin.
  • The reset pin gets to pull up and the astable mode activates.
  • Here, we have connected a buzzer at the output pin of timer IC 555, so the buzzer will also be activated in this case.


  • Used in locations where automatic switching of light is required.
  • Used as a security measure in homes, buildings, or workplaces.
  • Used in home automation services.