Office Call Bell Network Circuit with LED Monitor



Ringing bells or calling for assistance is a common method of communication in the office. But what if you could elevate this experience and bring it into the modern age? With the Office Call Bell Network Circuit with LED Monitor, you can. This circuit provides a convenient and efficient way for coworkers to communicate and alert each other without leaving their desks. The LED monitor and customizable call bell network make it easy to signal for help or attention, all while staying productive.

Not only does the Office Call Bell Network Circuit provide a modern solution for office communication, but it is also easy to set up and use. The circuit comprises simple components and can be assembled in no time. Whether you work in a small or large office, the Office Call Bell Network Circuit with LED Monitor is an ideal solution for improving communication and productivity. So, what are you waiting for? Upgrade your office communication today with this innovative circuit.

Hardware Required

You will require the following hardware for Office Call Bell Network Circuit with LED Monitor.

1Polar Capacitor100uF/25V6
2ResistorR1 10k, R2 R3 R4 100K,28
3TransistorBC547 , BC55716

Circuit Diagram

All R1 = 100 k
All R2, R3, R4 = 10 K
All diodes = 1N4148
All C1 = 100uF/25V
All NPN = BC547
All PNP = BC557

Working Explanation

This Office Call Bell Network Circuit with LED Monitor is a system designed for offices to communicate with each other easily. It consists of three identical modules containing two NPN transistors, one PNP transistor, and a few resistors.

The “ON” button is used to turn on the bell in the respective room, while the “OFF” button turns it off. When a positive voltage is applied to the collector of the PNP transistor, the bell in that specific room is triggered.

The triggered signal is then sent to the head office, where a relay driver circuit system is set up. The relay is activated, and the bell starts ringing. The person in the room presses the green button, which turns off the bell and lights up the corresponding red LED in the head office circuit, indicating the location of the member who responded to the call. The red LED can be reset by pressing the reset button in the head office circuit.

Final Words

The Office Call Bell Network Circuit with LED Monitor is helpful for large offices or workplaces. It helps in quickly and easily communicating with employees in different rooms.

The circuit is easy to set up and can be customized to accommodate many rooms. The use of transistors, push buttons, and LEDs make the circuit both reliable and user-friendly. Try this circuit, and for any query, feel free to use the comment section. Happy building!