Printed Circuit Board Components for Electronic Devices



As we all know that printed circuit board is very common out there. Practically, they are used pretty much in every electronic device. Moreover, it has an enormous manufacturing and fabrication process. In addition, PCBs exist in so many kinds. And, the types are increasing day by day as technology is evolving. But, this article is about the Printed circuit board components that are necessarily used in the Printed circuit boards. So, in this article, we’ll talk about some basic assembling components.

Printed Circuit Boards


The resistor is a very basic and essential component, used to control the energy. It resists the flow of electricity by converting the electric current into heat. And, that. This is how it dissipates some heat. Carbon film resistors are preferable to beginners that are intended to design the Printed circuit boards.

Resistors on PCB


The capacitor is utilized for charging and discharging purposes. Moreover, there are some different types of capacitors. It includes polyester, radial, and ceramic capacitors. They function by accumulating opposite charges on a conductive plate. In short, they store the energy electrostatically and release it when needed.

Printed Circuit Board
Capacitors in PCB


In modern electronics, transistors are considered fundamental for circuits. Transistors in the PCBs are used in two modes. That is the switching mode and an amplifying mode. Moreover, they control, regulate, and store the charges on the Printed circuit board. It has two basic types. NPN and PNP. However, NPN is more prominently used than PNP.

Transistor on PCB


To redirect the energy, PCB uses diodes. Because they enable the current to flow in one direction. Most importantly, current flows from the anode to the cathode in the diode of the PCB. PCB diodes include Zener diodes, light Emitting Diodes, etc.

Printed Circuit Board
Diodes on PCB

Integrated Circuits

As the name implies, they are the circuits that have to be integrated into PCBs. Often abbreviated as the IC. That is to say, they are the bootstrapper of the PCB. Also, they are of two types, digital and analog. Different ICs have different purposes. But, essentially, they are used to process the energy. Moreover, this wafer-like component is also used to amplify and oscillated the signal. However, it dissipates some amount of heat which is not favorable for PCBs.

Integrated Circuits on PCB


Inductors are the passive components of the PCB used to increase energy. It’s a two-terminal device, that uses a magnetic field to store the energy. In electronic circuits, they are also known as coils, teachers, or chokers. To sum up, they are frequently used to block or filter the signals.

Printed Circuit Board
Inductors on PCB


Since the battery is a part of every circuit. Therefore, it is a very widespread component. It stores chemical energy and converts it into electrical energy. In other words, it is used to provide energy to the PCB.


Switches are used as the power button on PCB. Practically, they control the flow of current on Printed boards. One press to the switch allows the current to flow. However, different types of switches are used for various purposes. Push buttons have widely used the switch in PCB.

Switches on PCB


These were some fundamental Printed Circuit Board Components that we have learned above in this article. However, there are some more components like switches, potentiometers, oscillators, and SCRs that are used in PCBs. In conclusion, printed circuit boards of any kind need these components. Therefore, they are used widely in electronic circuits.