12V to 24V Voltage Doubler


In this tutorial, we are going to make a “12V to 24V Voltage Doubler”.

A voltage doubler is an electronic circuit that produces an output voltage that is double the input voltage. It is a voltage multiplier with a voltage multiplication factor equal to 2. If you need a High voltage DC supply from a Low voltage input supply, there are many electrical design situations where an AC voltage signal is available, but a larger DC voltage is needed for the circuit.

So, you don’t need to add a new power supply simply, can use a voltage doubler circuit. Here we design a 12V to 24V voltage doubler circuit with a few Components, we took a step-down transformer, a bridge rectifier, and three electrolytic capacitors.

Hardware Required

1.Step down Transformer230V AC to 12V AC / 1 Amps1
2. Diode1N40074
3.Electrolytic Capacitor2200µF, 4700µF2, 1
4.DC Supply 24v1
5.Connecting Wires

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

Here we have taken a 12V AC supply from the step-down transformer and converted it into a DC supply by a bridge rectifier. This circuit provides high voltage by charging and discharging high-value electrolytic capacitors, we can calculate the value of electrolytic capacitors when we decide on the input and output voltage. Different methods are used to calculate capacitor values.

Vr = t*I/C


 Vr = Ripple Voltage

 I = Load Current

 t = Half-Period.

Now the voltage is fed to pair of electrolytic capacitors C! and C2 connected in series. C1 and C2 capacitors are charging for both positive and negative cycles. Then discharging voltage from C1 and C2 capacitors make C3 charge above the DC supply input and it appears at the output load. The result of the voltage doubler will be 2Vin.


In some applications, heavy and expensive step-up transformers can be replaced by voltage doublers.

  • Radar equipment
  • Ion pumps
  • Copy machine
  • Television CRT
  • X-Ray systems
  • Traveling wave tubes etc.