Electronic Mosquito Repellent Circuit using 555 Timer


There are so many different mosquito repellent solutions like coils, liquid vaporizers, and creams, all have possible adverse effects on health. Then there are electronic mosquito repellents available in the market which are equally efficient and relatively safer.

The concepts of these mosquito repellers are simple and we can build a simple electronic mosquito repellent circuit at home easily by using 555 timer IC and a few other commonly available components. Let’s see the concept of a mosquito repellent circuit with the help of a video in detail


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Electronic Mosquito Repellent Circuit

S. NOComponentsValueQty
3.Connecting Wires1
4. ICNE555 Timer1
5.Piezo Buzzer1
6.Variable Resistor10K1
7.Resistor 1K1
8.Ceramic Capacitor 0.1uF1

NE555 Pinout

555 timer ic pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 555 Timer

Electronic Mosquito Repellent Circuit

electronic mosquito repellent circuit

Useful Steps

Follow all steps carefully from the video tutorial at the end of this post (Highly Recommended).

Useful Steps

1) Make power connections from pins 4 & 8 to Vcc, pin 1 & GND.

2) Connect the piezo buzzer between the output pin 3 of the IC & the GND of the circuit.

3) Connect a 0.1uF capacitor between pin 2 of the IC & the GND of the circuit.

4) Connect the 1K resistor between pin 7 & pin 8 of the IC.

5) Connect the 10K pot between pin 7 & pin 6 of the IC.

6) Power up the circuit. Set the multivibrator oscillation frequency over 20KHz through the 10K preset pot with help of an oscilloscope.

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