IC555 Based Solar-Powered Bird Scarer Circuit



During agriculture and farming, the most important issue that arises is those birds that destroy the farms or wheat, etc. There is no doubt that those birds make farming difficult. But, as our elders told us that the remedy comes before the problem. And, hence humans have also found the solution to this problem, and that is the bird scarer circuit. Birds normally hear 1KHz to 4KHz and higher ranges can get them too scared, which we are going to see in this circuit. So, in this tutorial, we are going to “IC555 based solar-powered bird scarer.


Hardware Components

The following components are required to make a Solar-Powered Bird Scarer Circuit

1.Solar panel6V,300mA1
2.SLA battery6V/4Ah1
3.ICNE555 Timer1
7.Electrolyte Capacitor470µF/25V1
8.Resistor68KΩ, 100Ω1,1
9.Ceramic capacitor0.1µF, 0.01µF1, 1

555 IC Pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of 555 Timer

Solar-Powered Bird Scarer Circuit


Working Explanation

This IC555-based solar-powered bird Scarer is using a solar panel of 6V having 300mA of current. The circuit also has the timer IC555. The circuit continuously generates the sound by using a buzzer at the kHz range of frequency and the birds get scared of that sound. The SLA battery gets charged during the daytime when there is a presence of the sun, it uses the power out from the solar panel while during the night time this battery acts as a power source for the whole circuit.

Application and Uses

  • In farming and agricultural process avoid birds.