NCR320Z LED Driver


In this tutorial, we are going to make an “NCR320Z LED Driver”.

An LED driver is an electrical device that regulates power to an LED or a string of LEDs. The light-emitting diodes are low-energy, lighting devices with a long lifespan and low energy consumption, hence the requirement for specialized power supplies. An LED driver in the SOT-223 Package is IC NCR320Z / NCR321Z from NE Xperia, consisting of a resistor-equipped transistor with two diodes on one chip in a medium power SOT-223 surface mounted device (SMD) plastic package. It has high efficiency, high PFC, and various protection features with a very low external component count.

This single LED Driver has a lot of benefits, it can provide stabilized output current adjustable up to 250 mA when an external resistor is used and give stabilized output current up to 10 mA without an external resistor. NCR321Z can be used for dimming functions and it can utilize PWM input up to 10 kHz frequency. It can operate with a supply voltage of up to 16 V.

Hardware Components

The following components are required to make LED Driver Circuit

1.ICNCR320Z / NCR321Z1
4.PWM source (μC or Arduino)1

NCR320Z / NCR321Z Pinout


LED Driver Circuit


Working Explanation

We design a compact-size LED driver, by using IC NCR320Z from NE Xperia. As we don’t need a lot of external components to design it. Connecting the LED array with bias and Iout pin is quite enough to complete the circuit. Hereby Connecting the 3Ω resistor Next we can drive stabilized output current up to 250 mA. NE Xperia provides a dimming option at the output from IC NCR321Z. Now we can control LED brightness by applying a PWM signal from 0 to 10 kHz at the VEN pin. We can use Microcontroller or PWM output programmed Arduino as a source of PWM signal. This LED driver circuit can take voltage bias up to 16 V, depending upon the target LED and its specification we can adjust the input bias.


  • This single-chip LED Driver can be used in Constant current LED Drivers, Generic Constant current sources, and different automotive applications.
  • Usually used for applications such as outdoor, commercial, and roadways lighting.