High Power FM Transmitter Project – DIY


In this tutorial, we are demonstrating a project of a “high power FM transmitter”. As in previous articles, I have seen numerous 0.5 W and 1 W FM transmitter circuits. However, I never found any powerful FM transmitter with some limited low-cost segments and easy to assemble. So here is a circuit of FM transmitter which has a few segments and easy to make. This is an incredible FM transmitter and its yield is between 0.5 watts to 2 watts relies upon the input voltage which is 6 to 30 V DC.

Hardware Component

The hardware components required to make high power FM transmitter are listed below:

1.Battery12 V1
2.Variable Capacitor2-10 pF1
5.Variable Resistor27 K1
6.Capacitor330 pF, 40 µF 25 V, 4.7 pF, 1 nF2, 1, 1, 1
7.Resistor330 K, 5 K, 10 K, 100 K1, 1, 2, 1
9.Coil6 turns of 22 measure enameled wire1

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Operation

In this section, we are talking about the circuit operation of the “high power FM transmitter”. In this circuit, we are using a few low cost and easily available components. The trimmer is equivalent to 2 – 10 pF and L is equivalent to 6 turns of 22 measure enameled wire twisted on 3/26-inch structure. The 2N2219 is a high output RF transistor and it will deplete progressively current so it is encouraged to utilize basic battery or utilize a lead-corrosive battery. The transistor 2N2219 ought to be mount with a heatsink. For good execution, mount the circuit in a metal box and keep all the leads of the segments as short as could be expected under the circumstances.

Applications and Uses

The high-power FM transmitter is used in various applications like

  • RF Amplifiers for Radio
  • TV
  • Scientific, Medical
  • Industrial
  • Military