Simple 220-volt Main Indicator LED Circuit



In electronics, an LED driver or LED circuit is an electrical circuit that is used to provide power to a light-emitting diode ( LED ).

The circuit of a simple 220-volt main LED indicator delivers a sufficient supply of alternating current to glow the LED at the essential brightness, but this current restricts the current from damaging the LED. The dropping of voltage across LED is nearly constant over an extensive range of operating currents; hence a small rise in applied voltage increased the current by a huge amount.

Hardware Required

5.AC Supply220V1

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

The circuit of a simple 220-volt main LED indicator operates directly at a single LED of 3.6 volts from an AC supply of 220 volts. The circuit demonstrates the existence of the main voltage of alternating current and it is used separately or with several projects to indicate the existence of alternating current. The circuit does not require any power supply because it operates directly with the main AC supply. Therefore when the circuit is connected or powered with the main AC supply, it is necessary for individuals that they do not to touch it. The circuit should be kept in an appropriate enclosure.

Application and Uses

• The circuit of a simple 220 volts main LED indicator is used for visual displays i.e. alphanumeric displays and seven-segment displays.

• The circuit of a simple 220volt main LED indicator is used in optical devices.