Square Wave Pulse Generator Circuit CD4047



To generate pulses for the digital circuits a circuit called a pulse generator is used. basically, the pulse generator is electronic equipment used to generate different pulses. Pulses include square waves, rectangular waves, and some others. square wave pulse has smooth fall and rise waveforms. Square Wave pulses are widely utilized in electronic and microelectronic circuitry and devices. Since they are symmetrical therefore mostly used for clock and timing signals. In the square waves, the positive cycle that is the ON time is equal to the negative cycle or OFF time and that’s why the duty cycle is 50%. To understand the square wave generator, in this tutorial, we are going to “Square Wave Pulse Generator Circuit”

Hardware Required

4.Resistor200Ω, 100Ω1, 1
5.2 Pin Connector1

Circuit Diagram


Working Explanation

In this Square Wave Pulse Generator Circuit, we are using IC 404. The IC has 14 Pins that can easily generate monostable and astable output. However, it requires timing resistance and capacitance for this purpose. When the 12V bias input is connected to the circuit, Output pin 10 Q provides the direct pulse, and output pin 11 Q’ provides inverted output. Thus, By using this IC you can control the output mode and output pulse position and frequency to produce determined output.

Application and Uses

  • The circuit is used in digital circuits.
  • Also, in sound and tone generation.
  • Moreover, in switching circuits, etc