Low Voltage Relay Driver MAX4624



The output of a microprocessor or microcontroller in a low-power circuit is very low. It is sufficient for an LED to flash, but to drive a large load, you will need an electromechanical switch; Relay and a relay driver to provide adequate voltage or current to a relay. The electronic component relay is found in a variety of integrated devices and electronic circuits. The various relays are incredibly useful for mains AC load switching and in high-power transfer circuits. Not just that, but they’re also inexpensive and simple to use, for even a beginner. So, if you are a beginner, this tutorial is for you. Because, in this tutorial, we are going to “Low Voltage Relay driver”.

In the making of the circuit, we are using, IC MAX 4624. This MAX 4624 IC is a single-supply, low-voltage, SPDT analog switch. The circuit also has 5V. Thus, the circuit uses a 2.5V power supply to operate that 5V relay device.

Hardware Components

The following components are required to make Low Voltage Relay Driver Circuit

1. IC MAX46241
2.Relay 5v1
5.Electrolysis Capacitor100uF1
6.Ceramic Capacitor 0.15uf1
7.Resistor27KΩ, 4.7Ω1,1
8.2-Pin Connector1

MAX4624 Pinout

For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of MAX4624

Low Voltage Relay Driver Circuit


Working Explanation

In this Low Voltage Relay driver, firstly we supply pins 2 and 6 to the MAX4624 IC. The same supply is also provided to the wired relay. Resistor R1 and capacitor C2 are connected to the input digital control pin 1. The C1 capacitor is linked to the common pin 5 of the IC.

When the switch is closed, R1 and C2 components create a timing signal based on their values, which is used as a digital control input, and the switching output powers the relay.

Application and Uses

The circuit can be used to drive AC equipment. For example:

  • Motors.
  • Lamps.
  • Heater, etc.