Simple White Noise Generator Circuit


A simple White Noise Generator Circuit is used to generate white noise in audio signals, which is very helpful in enhancing music. In electronics, the word White Noise resembles the word in physics “White Light” which is a mixture of all other light colors, similarly white noise is a mixture of different frequencies and it also has a constant power spectral density.

The basic example of white noise is, in some audio devices like TV, radio, etc. when we didn’t get any required signal, we get a constant sound or a beep, this sound is known as white noise.  There are a lot many circuits and methods available to produce white noise but here we will discuss the simplest one.


Hardware Component

The following components are required to make Noise Generator Circuit

S. NOComponentValueQty
2.NPN TransistorBC1081
3.Zener Diode1N4740A 10V1
4.Resistors68k, 6.8k ohm1,1
5.Electrolytic Capacitor4.7uF1
6.DC Power Supply 30v 10A1

BC108 Pinout


For a detailed description of pinout, dimension features, and specifications download the datasheet of BC108

Noise Generator Circuit

Noise Generator Circuit_Diagram-Schematic

Working Explanation

In this circuit, the heart of the device is the BC108 NPN transistor. A 26 to 30V DC power supply is used to power the circuit. There is only out output providing the white noise. The 1N4740A Zener diode is a source of white noise. Two resistors are there to control the flow of current. The capacitor is used to filter the output to get a smooth white noise at the output.

Applications and Uses

  1. Music Production
  2. Tinnitus treatment
  3. To balance sound equalization